Open spaces

Both the buildings and all facilities meet the strict requirements of the federal, state and district governments in every way. As part of our general operating permit, we have been tested for fire protection, general safety, hygiene, furniture and play equipment, and the up-to-dateness of our certificates is re-checked and officially approved at regular intervals. Prevention is the absolute top priority.


We have designed each space individually for the respective group. The design has been chosen to be extremely child-friendly, especially high quality and of high value. We have designed the group spaces to allow the children to gain experiences through active decision-making. In the different zones, they have the chance to experiment and test things out, join in together with others and move around, or to take a step back and relax. The clear structure of the spaces allows these areas to be differentiated and makes it easier for the children to orientate themselves in every space through islands of light, different floor coverings etc.

We personalise a separate, personal area for each child in our Glückskinder community. As well as a coat hook and shoe cubbies with pictures, each child has their own cup and a ‘treasure chest’ for their favourite objects. There is also a photo wall on which each child will find photos of their family.


We have a sleeping space in which each child has their own mattress and bedding for the afternoon nap. We have separate spaces for the ‘big ones’ and for the very young children who need more peace and quiet.